Surname searches

Search these websites for surnames

RootsWeb surname - list finder

RootsWeb's WorldConnect - global search - GenForum - Studer Genealogy - searching for surnames

Rootsweb search options
Type in a surname and a list of people researching that surname will be returned. Note, several Studers are posted.

Social Security Death Index 
Search by name. Tip: only enter the information you are completely sure of. If you enter one field incorrectly it will not pull up the name you are looking for. 

The USGenWeb Project 
Consists of a group of volunteers working together to provide Internet websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States, the Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free access for everyone. Full of useful information and links to good sites. The goal of the WorldGenWeb Project is to have every country in the world represented by an online website and hosted by researchers who either live in their own country or who are familiar with their country's resources.

Research links.   european  --  sites/links  --  tips/how-to's  --  vital records  --  blank forms/charts