Database searches & contributions

Honest requests only. I like to know who I'm talking to.

>> To request a name search of my Studer database, please tell me some things about yourself. Provide your First name, Middle name (or initial) and Last name/surname plus your birth year. THEN give details for a minimum of ONE person you are looking for. Their First name, Middle name (or initial) and Last name/surname plus birth year/date. Parents full names if possible. -- Improve the search by including details for a second person (spouse) their First, Middle and Last names plus birth year/date. Parents full names if possible.

>> To make contributions to a reliable genealogy collective, please visit and create an account.

>> To make contributions to my Studer database, please visit the National Genealogical Society's free charts page. Download the Family Group Sheet (or other appropriate form), they are PDF forms that can be filled out on a computer and saved. When you are done, email a copy to me.

Filling out the Charts, a few basic “dos and don’ts.”

-- Do not abbreviate names, dates and places.

-- Enter the full accurate name: first, middle, and last. When possible.

-- Surnames/last names are entered in caps; enter the last name first: BROWN, William Sylvester

-- For women, supply the full maiden name, not a married name.

-- Write dates in this format: Day-Month-Year (e.g., 12 October 1989).

-- Enter full place names: City, County, State (e.g., Mineola, Nassau, New York).