1978 journey - visiting Alsace

The 1978 journey - visiting the Alsace region of France

In early September of 1978, three Studer siblings, Gen, Larry and Dick, flew to Frankfurt, Germany. They rented a car and drove down the Rhine Valley to Strasbourg. They crossed the Rhine into the Alsace region of France, Haut-Rhin taking the "Route Du Vin" (wine route of Alsace) south through the beautiful wine-making village of Obernai and past the monastery of Mont Saint Odile, the patron saint of Alsace. Soon the American Studer's came to the tiny village of Rodern. In Rodern they met with the parish priest, Father Litzler who spoke English. Father Litzler had been recommended to Gen, Larry and Dick, as he had assisted other Minnesota families searching for their European roots. Father Litzler accompanied Dick, Larry and Gen to the home of Rene and Rose Studer where a historic meeting would take place. 

Rene StuderThe group was warmly greeted by Rene (picture shown to left) and immediately invited in for Alsatian white wine and appetizers. In this relaxed setting they were able to compare research, deciding at last that although it appeared that most of the Studer's in the valley were related to the Americans, more research would be necessary to prove this conclusively. 

The next day the Gen, Larry and Dick drove further down the Doller to the old yet still beautiful village of Oberbruck. They stopped to explore the cemetery (of course) where they met a woman who directed them to the home of Aloise Lemble. While conversing with Aloise, they discovered that his mother's maiden name was Studer (Albertine Studer, Lemble). Albertine is shown seated in photo below. Her husband is seated to her right and their children behind them.

Aloise was thrilled to meet the Americans, and together they were able to establish a common ancestry through Sebastian Studer. It was an exhilarating moment. Aloise, the new found cousin, led Dick, Larry and Gen to the oldest parish in valley which was located in the village of Sewen. They again did research and discovered many more Studer's alive and well in the peaceful little village.

PierreStuderLater that same day (back in Oberbruck), a young boy they had met near the church, took them to meet a Pierre Studer and his family. One of Pierre's children spoke English and with his assistance, communication flourished. Our travelers were informed that Studer was a very old name in the valley. It was explained that the Studer's had come to France from Switzerland and that many Studer's lived in the village of Dolleren. So on to Dolleren. With the aid of one of Pierre's sons they traveled to the village of Dolleren. There they sought out Andre Studer who was the mayor of the village. Dick, Larry and Gens' meeting with Andre and his family was aided by the translating skills of Andre's daughter Jeannene. Without delay they were able to establish their common bloodline. Andre and his family were thrilled and eager to "talk" with their "new family" from across the sea.Andre Studer

The next day Larry, Gen and Dick drove to the village of Murbach where they visited the monastery. They then traveled on to St. Amaran, a small village where the sister of Amandus Studer, a Franciscan nun had lived and died. They were able to obtain a record of her death and found out that in the Franciscan custom she was buried at the convent of the Congregation Des Soeurs Du thres St. Sauveur in Oberbronn (a city north of Strasbourg). The following day they visited with a woman named Teresea Paris whose mother was a Studer. Later in the evening the weary travelers had a sumptuous dinner at the home of Andre and Rose Studer in Dolleren. They were warmly invited to return the next week after their trip through Switzerland. They happily accepted and went to sleep, dreaming of what might lie ahead on their Swiss adventure.

The front of the church in Oberbruck, France. 1978 trip.