1815 Amandus Studer birth certificate

A certified copy of Amandus (Aime) Studer's birth certificate was obtained in Oberbruck Alsace France, on the 11th of October in 1977 by Richard E. and Evie Studer. This was the most important breakthrough in establishing the correct location of this particular Studer families heritage in Europe.

Translated text from the Original Birth Record, the certificate reads as follows:

In the year 1815, the 6th of November at 9am., in front of us Martin Steger, mayor and vital statistics officer of the village of Oberbruck, Canton of Masevaux, department of Haut Rhin, appeared Sebastian Studer, shoemaker age of 39 years, living in Oberbruck, to present to us that a child of the masculine sex, was born yesterday at six in the morning, to himself and Anne Marie Fritz his wife, and both, he declares, wish to give the first name of Aimé. The said declaration and presentation given in the presence of George Ringenbach, 42 years, and Simon Ehret also shoemaker, age of 39 years, the two living in Oberbruck. (The father and witnesses sign the act after being read or given the interpretation in German.)

Source: Film G.S. 716, 964 Oberbruck.